Friday, October 15, 2010

Word Numbering Tip

How many times have you had a numbered list in Word and then decided you needed a paragraph of text in the middle of the numbered list? Did the numbering start over at "1?"

Depending on when you numbered the list and when you entered the paragraph, the list may start over at the number "1."

If this happens, simply right-click on the numbered item after the inserted paragraph. The shortcut menu appears.

Select "Continue Numbering" from the menu.

The numbered list will continue from the last number prior to the inserted paragraph.
Word Continue Numbering

Friday, October 8, 2010

October is National Cyber Safety Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Safety Awareness Month and that means education for not only children, but parents as well. A national survey showed that only between 4 and 8 percent of adults could correctly identify chat acronyms.

Madison Meadows Middle School conducted a “Cyber Bullying” educational night for parents on Monday and will be hosting another meeting next week for the students. The presentation is part of the Arizona Attorney General office’s “Internet Safety Guide for Parents.”

First and foremost, parents must talk to children openly. Let them know about Internet dangers and that people aren’t always whom they say they are. Something that sounds innocent can turn into something dangerous.

Help children understand that anything posted online can never been undone. Even if a picture was posted and then deleted, someone could have printed it or shared it with someone prior to it being deleted. The Internet is not a place to post things that would normally be kept in a diary. Private thoughts and subjects should be kept in a private place, like a diary or within the family.

If your child wants to create a blog or join a social network, help them understand that blogs and social media are places to share thoughts and comments about particular topics in which they have interest. However, the child should never share any personal information such as real name, address, school, phone number, or family information. Even something as innocent as posting that the family is going on vacation can open up the fact that the house may be empty for a specific time period.

Parents can install software filtering out adult content, but often children know more about computers these days than do the parents and you risk the possibility of the child uninstalling or hacking the computer to get around these security features. Nothing can replace open communication between parents and children.

Some alarming facts that every parent should know were shared in the Meadows’ meeting and are posted in the Internet Safety Guide, also available online at

1 in 7 young people has received unwanted sexual solicitations online.

One third of these solicitations (31%) were aggressive and involved attempted, offline contact with youth.

In more than one quarter (27%) of incidents solicitors asked youth for sexual photographs of themselves.

1 in 3 young people has been exposed to sexually explicit materials online without seeking or expecting them.

1 in 11 young people has been threatened or harassed online.

The Arizona Attorney General’s office is available to present training on Internet Safety to any church, school, or community group. Contact the office at 602-542-2123 or 800-352-8431.

Please treat National Cyber Safety Awareness Month as time to educate yourself by researching online and to communicate with children about cyber safety.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dismissing Reminders in Outlook

Why would you want to dismiss reminders you ask?

How many times have you gone on vacation only to come back a week later and open Outlook with hundreds of reminders popping up?

Instead, follow these steps to turn them off while on vacation.

Click on "Tools," "Options."

Click on the "Other" tab and click on the "Advanced" button.

Remove the check for "Display Reminders."

NOTE: Depending on the version of Outlook, you may need to click on the "Reminder Options" button to get to the dialog with the "Display Reminders" option.

Outlook Reminders Off

Click on the "OK" button to save the changes and return to Outlook.

This will delete any and all past due reminders as well as any reminders while you are on vacation.

When you return from vacation, don't forget to turn it back on!

HINT: You may want to send yourself an e-mail for the day you return. Before hitting the "Send" button, click on the "Options" button and select "Do Not Deliver Before" and place the date you return in the date field. Click the "OK" button and send the e-mail.