Saturday, November 13, 2010

High Tech Gifts for Kids for the Holidays

This Christmas kids are going high-tech. A recent survey by The Telegraph, UK, lists Apple products at the top of the list. The survey results show the following top 10 high tech gifts, as requested by 2,138 children surveyed.

1) iPhone 4 (14%)

2) iPod touch (13%)

3) iPad (12%)

4) Kinect for Xbox (6%)

5) Zhu Zhu Pet Hamsters / Kung Zhu Hamsters (5%)

6) Flip Video Camera (4%)

7) Toy Story 3 Jet Pack Buzz Lightyear (4%)

8) PlayStation Move (4%)

9) LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 Video Game (3%)

10) Barbie Video Girl (3%)

Each of these gadgets may or may not be appropriate for children of all ages.

Click here to read a more detailed list as well as my recommendations on age appropriateness.

Friday, November 5, 2010

PowerPoint Subliminal Messages

Used in the right circumstances, subliminal messages can be humorous. With PowerPoint, it is very easy to create subliminal messages during a presentation.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010